Historical Site News

Coyote Linux Instructional Video

Mark Hagan at Extreme Overclocking has put together a video on how to set up a Coyote Linux machine entitled "How To Build A Ghetto Router". Check It Out. Thanks Mark.


Coyote wizard and source code are now available

The downloads page now contains links to both the Coyote Linux Disk Creator install and the source code. The source code is written in Borland Delphi 5.0... But as a general question - for all of those of you insisting on free and open-source software, how do you plan to compile it?

The status of the Coyote project

Many, many of you have written to express everything from concern to criticism of my decision to stop offering a commercial version of the Coyote Linux Disk Creation software. After getting a chance to hear the comments, suggestions, gripes, concerns, and gloating of tons of Coyote users, I have decided to post my official stance on the future of the Coyote Linux project. Hopefully, this will help those of you using or interested in using Coyote understand my point of view on the subject and offers some suggestions for contributions to help keep the project going.

Coyote Wizard project discontinued

Due to the amazingly high number of idiots that have run stolen credit card numbers though the ordering page on this site, I will no longer be offering a Microsoft Windows method of configuring your Coyote Linux floppy. Although I have been able to catch most of them due to bogus billing information, there have actually been more chargebacks to my account this month than legit orders. No, the source is not available. No, the product is not available. For those that have purchased the wizard, I will continue to fix stray bugs and make private releases.

Due to the fact that this was my only real method of paying for this site and its often times 2Gb/day transfers, it is very likely that this will soon cause a termination of this project all together. Thanks a lot, people.


Coyote Linux is a security-centric mini-distribution of Linux designed specifically to function as a network edge firewall and VPN server. Developed by Vortech Consulting, LLC, Coyote is tailored for users who prioritize safety and efficiency in their home networks while preferring a simplistic and minimal solution.

Originally launched in 1999 during an era when consumer internet routers were non-existent, Coyote Linux emerged from the need for effective internet sharing across home and small business networks.

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