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Coyote Linux FAQ and related flames

After returning home from a short vacation, I was greeted by a couple dozen flame-mails about how I need to move the Coyote Linux FAQ to a more accessible location, how the new web site design sucks because somebody can't find something, or how I am intentionally trying to upset the Linux community or waste peoples' time by releasing such a "junk" product. Well, if you have any such related opinion of this site or product, read on.

First off, I am NOT the author of the Coyote Linux FAQ. I also do NOT host it. If you are having trouble locating the FAQ, there is a link to the site that supports and hosts it under "Web Links - Coyote Documentation".

If you can't find something, try the search feature that is built into this site. If you still can't find something, don't send me a piece of hate mail about it, you will only get a rude response in return... try the forums.

Last, but not least, if you don't like Coyote Linux, DON'T USE IT. I don't owe you anything, this is a FREE product and nobody is forcing you to use it! If you are too lazy to RTFM or ask a simple question in the forums, don't start cussing me up one side and down the other... this sort of feedback will only put an abrupt end to the Coyote Floppy project.

I am not sure why the new site layout has prompted such a hostile series of responses, but quite frankly, quit griping at me about it. The new layout is not going away. As I continue to add new products it is only going to get more in depth. As a result of this, you may have to look a tiny bit harder to find something.


Coyote Linux is a security-centric mini-distribution of Linux designed specifically to function as a network edge firewall and VPN server. Developed by Vortech Consulting, LLC, Coyote is tailored for users who prioritize safety and efficiency in their home networks while preferring a simplistic and minimal solution.

Originally launched in 1999 during an era when consumer internet routers were non-existent, Coyote Linux emerged from the need for effective internet sharing across home and small business networks.

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